Expert SaaS Explainer Video Creators

Elevate Your SaaS with Engaging Video Content

Engage, educate, and convert your users with our expert SaaS explainer video company.

Onboard Users Seamlessly with SaaS Videos

Solve the user onboarding puzzle with our effective SaaS explainer video production.

SaaS Explainer Videos

Simplifying Complexity

Complex features and functionalities are inherent to SaaS products. Explaining them in a concise and understandable manner can be challenging. Our SaaS Explainer Videos break down these complexities into digestible visuals and narratives, making your product accessible to a broader audience.
User Onboarding, SaaS Explainer Videos

Engaging Your Audience

In the digital age, attention spans are fleeting. SaaS Explainer Videos captivate your audience from the first second, ensuring they stay engaged throughout. With our expert storytelling, we turn potentially dry topics into engaging narratives that resonate with viewers.
Boosting Conversion using SaaS explainer Videos

Boosting Conversions:

Convincing potential users to try your SaaS product is a critical step. Our SaaS Explainer Videos are designed to not only inform but also persuade. They highlight the unique value propositions of your product, making it easier for viewers to take action and convert into paying customers.
Bridging communication gaps using explainer videos Saas

Bridging Communication Gaps

Effective communication is key to successful SaaS adoption. Our videos bridge the gap between your product and your users. Whether you need to introduce new features, provide tutorials, or simply convey your brand's message, SaaS Explainer Videos do it seamlessly.

Check our SaaS Animated Videos

We've helped SaaS companies connect with their audience using short and powerful animated video content

Interested to know how much a premium quality explainer video costs?

SaaS Explainer Video

SaaS Explainer Video: The Missing Piece

So your team just finished developing software for your SaaS (software as a service) that you believe has the power to change the world. But for some reason, no one’s paying any attention to it. What gives?

Most of the time, it’s because the purpose of the software might not be clear right off the bat to your average user. Or maybe the purpose is clear but your target market is struggling with finding a use case. Or perhaps the user requires a bit of handholding in order to fully take advantage of your software. That’s where a SaaS explainer video comes in handy.

Saas Explainer video Character Smiling

Why Choose Explainer Videos for SaaS?

They’re a perfect tool to add to your marketing arsenal not just for when you’re explaining a new product, but also when you want to create memorable content that keeps your brand at the forefront of your target market’s mind.

Explainer videos use visuals and motion, which are a great way of concretizing abstract or complicated topics for your target market. With a great script and an engaging voiceover, the explanation of what your SaaS is all about can be fun and engaging. Not only do explainer videos help explain what you do, but it’s also a great way to increase brand retention.

1. It's conversational

Have you ever talked to someone about the technicalities of your software and watched with dismay as their eyes started to glaze over? The language in SaaS explainer videos is a lot more conversational.

 A good animation studio will ensure that the script is as understandable as it could be to as many people out there. This means simplifying technical language in a way that retains accuracy but ensures comprehension.  

Apart from making it more understandable, a conversational tone will help your target market form a better and closer connection with your brand.

2. They aren't pushy

SaaS explainer videos are above all else informative. They defy traditional advertising tactics of harping about how good a product is by showing audiences valuable information on the issues solved by their SaaS. Take for example this SaaS explainer video on a video interviewing tool. It talks about the issue and how their service solves it. It doesn’t brag–it shows the utility of the service. This is particularly important when you’re introducing a new product, or even creating a tutorial for an already existing one. How you can be of service is a lot more valuable than just saying how great you are.

If you’re interested in how the explainer video creative process works, check out this blog post to see how a streamlined process helps create a seamless experience for you and your team.

3. They're short and to the point

The last thing you want for a first-time user of your SaaS is to shove a 20-page manual at them as a pre-requisite to them getting started. With a SaaS explainer video, you’ll be able to provide visuals that’ll help guide your user through the process as if you yourself were there. Given that we retain information most easily when visuals are involved, SaaS explainer videos are a fantastic option for a tutorial.

You can include in the video a walkthrough of your platform and explain precisely which buttons to click to get the desired results. You can even create a tutorial series that will help your user further deepen their knowledge of your product, allowing them to develop expertise with it and gain further utility.

With the shorter format of SaaS explainer videos, a lot of information can be condensed into a single viewing making sure your user gets the information they need before they even have time to get bored.

If you’re interested in creating a video tutorial series, drop us a line and we can get started on making the perfect set of informative videos for you.


An explainer video is particularly effective in the SaaS industry as it is able to explain complicated topics, concepts or multi-step processes in a quick yet engaging manner. Since they use a conversational tone, even the most technical sounding jargon is able to be easily understood by the target audience. They’re also seen as a valuable source of information, rather than just an ad pushing a product. Because of this, a SaaS explainer video is a great way of empowering your users to further deepen their knowledge of your product without overwhelming them with overly long manuals.